Hippo's Feeder Hacked

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Aug 24, 2011 11124 Plays Arcade 5.23 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win level

Game Information
Hippo's Feeder is a fun physics-based puzzle game, your goal is to take watermelon and throw it to lonely hippo. You can also feed the hippos with pepper and stones, and even birds.

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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

i fed the explorer to the hippo

Insakna's avatar
Insakna      (more than a year ago)

*Gives hippo pepper*
Feeder: Stupid hippo! Haha!
*Hippo goes into rage*
Feeder: oh... SHI- *Gets eaten by hippo* Hippo: Stupid human! Haha! *Hippo gives thumbs up*

Insakna's avatar
Insakna      (more than a year ago)

Hippos are classified as one of the MEANEST KILLER FREAKING ANIMALS IN THE WORLD.

gusterricola's avatar
gusterricola      (more than a year ago)


dan218's avatar
dan218      (more than a year ago)

29361. what was youre score?

dan218's avatar
dan218      (more than a year ago)


dan218's avatar
dan218      (more than a year ago)

phumbs up to poor master doom who someoen hid his post!!!

Gamerdude73's avatar
Gamerdude73      (more than a year ago)

I beat the game with a score of 22222 lol :D

Blazer702's avatar
Blazer702      (more than a year ago)

Finished the game w/o the hack. It was fun! :3 I shall confess my Love fore Hippos, here, on this website. I LOVE TEH HEEPOOOOOO!

WolfG4n's avatar
WolfG4n      (more than a year ago)

I'm sure i'll surely get thumbed down but anyway...
Seriously SelectLOL you had nothing better to hack than this ? anywway..

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