MercX Hacked

lightbutton Play MercX Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Aug 29, 2011 11299 Plays Action 38.67 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press Q Toggle health - W Money

Game Information
Depth on your way deep in the jungle, rescue the daughter of a famous scientist.

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Link54p's avatar
Link54p      (more than a year ago)

@Lego IDK

legolover12's avatar
legolover12      (more than a year ago)

u get to have it with her right?

Imapwnu's avatar
Imapwnu      (more than a year ago)

is it mercx (Prnced Mercs )
Or mercx (Prnced Merc x)?

doomdude70's avatar
doomdude70      (more than a year ago)

thumbs down if you like getting shots, thumbs up if u hate them

doge266's avatar
doge266      (more than a year ago)

C-c-combo Breaker

doomdude70's avatar
doomdude70      (more than a year ago)

great game

Shaft's avatar
Shaft      (more than a year ago)

cool game

xavier310's avatar
xavier310      (more than a year ago)


unclehack's avatar
unclehack     (more than a year ago)

*evil smile*

guthix1018's avatar
guthix1018      (more than a year ago)

protip: pilot wont leave if you havent planted all the c4, (lavel 5)

123killer123's avatar
123killer123      (more than a year ago)

good game

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