Game Information
The third game in the series, Toxie Radd 3D, revolutionizes the gameplay and graphics with full, high speed 3D action just like in the arcades. Upgrade your character, collect powerups, and destroy vile zombies with your Gatling gun.
Note: This game requires Flash Player 10.2 or higher, so if you experience a white or frozen screen, update flash player and try refreshing the page Also, the bit during the preloader is not the game itself.
Follow the story of Joe, an ex-inmate who was used as a specimen for a scientific experiment, and his right arm was replaced with a Gatling gun. He managed to escape the prison during the zombie invasion of episode 1. Then he teamed up with a mysterious doctor, and he followed the trail to an abandoned factory where he fought giant brain zombies, and found evidence that all this mayhem started in Central city in episode 2. Now Joe's on his way, following an underground route that will take him to the source of the zombie threat. However, things may not be so simple...
Mouse - Aim
Left Click - Hold to Fire
Spacebar - Melee enemies in front of you
A&D - Move left/right to dodge projectiles
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [4] Toggle House Health - [5] Toggle Grenade ...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): [1] Win Level
Hacked By: leverage419
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