Hacked By: Proditor
Hack Information:
Money hack and more damage to all guns
Game Information
Tanks, Hundreds of stickmen, and all you have at your disposal is a jeep and an arsenal of sick weapons and upgrades. This may get bumpy.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle souls - [2] Toggle weapons build ...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Godmode - [2] Money
Hacked By: leverage419
hahahah preety good game
if you ungrade everything before you fight its really boring
OverBieing You stupid sh*t F*ck you you *ssh*l*
i w a n t t o g i v e c h e r y l c o l e a b o n e r
there is know really problem with the loading but if you have fire fox or if u pc is more updated then it will work fine
the game loads slow in my computer
its ****
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