Flash Hero Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Sep 15, 2009 25531 Plays Arcade 705.93 KB

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

Hack Information:
Flash-o-meter and all songs have been unlocked.

Game Information
Flash Hero displays the upcoming notes vertically, as in the original Guitar Hero game. You will need to use the numbers 1 to 6 to hold the string, and the backspace to strum the guitar.

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode - [2] Mines

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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

this sucks it wont load past intro screen

ZodEdMan's avatar
ZodEdMan      (more than a year ago)

songs not abalable

Doomest's avatar
Doomest      (more than a year ago)

Some of the songs don't work for me. D:

jpkvsk's avatar
jpkvsk      (more than a year ago)

this game is amazing you cn't knot like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

babbaj_'s avatar
babbaj_      (more than a year ago)

on little wing it doesn't completely sound like jimmy Hendrix
and the author was wrong!!!

babbaj_'s avatar
babbaj_      (more than a year ago)

little wing is the only real song
rest of these are fake

kickbutt13's avatar
kickbutt13     (more than a year ago)

That's not entirely true. Most of these song are from actual people just not realtime companys. We should all know space pirates for it's appearance in countless flash games.

R's avatar
R      (more than a year ago)

Not the best. Guitar Hero still 'pwns', but for a Flash game this is ok.

andyhalo11's avatar
andyhalo11      (more than a year ago)


thoz777's avatar
thoz777      (more than a year ago)

strum doesnt work so i cant play it, its crap, guitar hero on ps2,ps3 and w/e else its on rocks so much more!

babbaj_'s avatar
babbaj_     (more than a year ago)

backspace gutair strum

The Joster 6's avatar
The Joster 6      (more than a year ago)

its alright but thumbs up if da real guitar hero rox harder! and thumbs up if arcadeprehacks rox :)

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