Rebuild 2 Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Oct 13, 2011 409769 Plays Strategy 14.57 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Food - 2 Morale 3 Scavenger - 4 Soldier - 5 Builder - 6 Scientist - 7 Leader - (See note below!)

Game Information
The sequel to my first game Rebuild! There are new buildings, plotlines, characters, customizable survivors with skills and equipment, new & improved art and hidden endings to find.

NOTE: Hack 3 - 7 adds new units.

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Genericgamer69's avatar
Genericgamer69      (more than a year ago)

I'm stuck on the loading screen :(

SouthWestQuail's avatar
SouthWestQuail      (more than a year ago)

2023 arived and i'm here enjoying this masterpiece

WinterXiod's avatar
WinterXiod      (more than a year ago)

anyone on here during quaritine ?

Brycekaz11's avatar
Brycekaz11      (more than a year ago)

Half the comments on this game are basically just 12 year olds getting worked up over something to do with Gustav

RayniaJonson's avatar
RayniaJonson      (more than a year ago)

I like playing this game but the music is so creepy it gives me anxiety.

ThatOneGuy1128's avatar
ThatOneGuy1128     (more than a year ago)

There is an option to turn off the music...

MrCats12's avatar
MrCats12      (more than a year ago)

matipro said i wish there was a button to have more items

matipro15's avatar
matipro15      (more than a year ago)

(translate me) ojala hubiera un botn de tener items

hellocamo132's avatar
hellocamo132      (more than a year ago)

i feel sorry that i just gambled too much to the caravan and took him cat and his food.....

hellocamo132's avatar
hellocamo132     (more than a year ago)

im not trading for his food anymore so he can FEED himself....

hellocamo132's avatar
hellocamo132     (more than a year ago)

well i will give him food that is

DerpyGamer0013's avatar
DerpyGamer0013      (more than a year ago)


DerpyGamer0013's avatar
DerpyGamer0013     (more than a year ago)

Eh, I don't really remember how I got the kitty, but isn't the trader sort of a slaver too? So he kinda got what he deserved.

hellocamo132's avatar
hellocamo132     (more than a year ago)

because you made the trader foodless and now he cant feed himself! that is why you got dislikes, because you are acting so happy when the trader is probably crying in a corner... and probably nearly dying from zombies... poor guy

DerpyGamer0013's avatar
DerpyGamer0013      (more than a year ago)

I finished the game with the attack on the Jugdement gang on September 11th, 2014. WHAT!?

hellocamo132's avatar
hellocamo132     (more than a year ago)

because the game started in an earlier timeline :P isn't it obvious?

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