Potty Racers 3.1 (Unhacked Version)

lightbutton Play Potty Racers 3.1

Game & Hack Information

Oct 13, 2011 12665 Plays Action 11.23 MB

Game Information
Do you love to fly? Do you secretly like the way fresh cow poo smells? Climb aboard for a crappy adventure! Complete complicated poo missions. Build poo-centric aircraft. Beef up your potty with the power of poo: faster hills and bigger (butt) gas tanks. Explore the biggest poo-splattered adventure ever! Do you smell me, peeps?

Just added: a new crappy level! Can you complete the Mission to Mars?

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iceroader's avatar
iceroader      (more than a year ago)


rileyracer's avatar
rileyracer      (more than a year ago)

i hate unhacked it takes all the fun away

davidxxl95's avatar
davidxxl95      (more than a year ago)

a lot of poo

jerry22's avatar
jerry22      (more than a year ago)

great game. i dont like hacked. takes fun away, and i keep randomly selecting hacked numbers... i love it. best of them all! takes the longest too! been about 70 minutes not even done! :)

davidxxl95's avatar
davidxxl95      (more than a year ago)

much better unhacked, hacked takes the challenge away

BlueGl's avatar
BlueGl     (more than a year ago)


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