Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Infinite Health (On Only!) - 2 Add 1 Minute
Game Information
If you like truck games, you gonna like this truck game called "Toy Truck". Have you ever wondered how is like to be the size of an ant? Well now you have the possibility to find out. Explore the universe like you never did before and have fun!
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [F] Toggle health [G] Toggle mana/stamina - [...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] ...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Abilities - [3...
Hacked By: leverage419
thumbs up if DPETTY is best hacker!!!
awesome game
awesome game!
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