Moon Rocks Hacked

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Oct 15, 2011 7238 Plays Tower Defence 38.92 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press A Money (Ingame) - S Shield - 3 Money (Upgrade screen, buy or reopen it to see it!)

Game Information
Moon rocks is a tower defense game, but NOT the typical tower defense you except! Build your ground defenses against the space debris and hostile attackers. Produce minerals, and research for better technology to keep your planets well defended. Play a arcade/quick arcade game, or a full campaign and compete against 2 other space races to rule the galaxy!

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mewtwoy's avatar
mewtwoy      (more than a year ago)

ahahahahahaah the long awaited game finaly yayayayaya

MasterDoom's avatar
MasterDoom      (more than a year ago)


Not your usual fare, this game is challenging (but also bit boring at times). Note HACK INFORMATION about the two MONEY HACKS. Overall Game 3/5 (OK but not great), Hack 5/5 - Good Job selectLOL !!

MasterDoom's avatar
MasterDoom     (more than a year ago)

**GAME TIPS: How to Win Battles/Routes

1. At START of BATTLE press SHIELD (Key 'S') FIRST! 2. Place FACTORIES next to MINES (Crystals) in PLUS pattern. 3. Use both LASER and ANTI-AIR towers in all other AREAS. 4. UPGRADE ALL TOWERS.

V_DAYZ's avatar
V_DAYZ      (more than a year ago)

Ehh Not a very good game. :P

jared7223's avatar
jared7223      (more than a year ago)

good game

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