Rockstar Dreamer (Unhacked Version)

lightbutton Play Rockstar Dreamer

Game & Hack Information

Nov 07, 2011 3678 Plays Arcade 17.89 MB

Game Information
You dream about being a rockstar, shredding the stage with your guitar. But you're not there yet, and you must keep practicing until you get better. Use the virality of the internet to work your way up the fame chain.

Very much like Guitar Hero or Rock Band, you must press keys at the right time to hit a note as they scroll down the screen. Choose between two different control modes and start rocking out to the collection of songs. Mess up too many notes and you will fail, but if you manage to hit the star notes flawlessly, you can build up your star power and unleash it for a multiplier bonus.

*You can change either control set up by going to "Controls" and clicking on any of the keys.

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psycho202's avatar
psycho202      (more than a year ago)

love this game

Jay1v1's avatar
Jay1v1     (more than a year ago)

Pepilla`s funk on easy is hard

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