Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win level - 2 Unlock all commands (Userlevel because of these hacks disabled!)
Game Information
Light-bot is back, more puzzling than ever! Use programmer-style logic to tell the bot how to light up all the blue tiles! Functions, conditionals, recursion, expert levels- many different features for new and old players.
@{unknown player} - There is no 'Start' button, however...
When you are ready press the GREEN 'RUN' button.
Its hard to play :( this is needs very high IQ level lol.
Very addictive with lots of "Replay Value". Requires some "basic" programming skill. Easy to learn and fun to play.
Overall Game 5/5, Hack 5/5 PLUS (Thumbs Up) for selectLOL !!
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