Kick Justin Beaver Hacked

lightbutton Play Kick Justin Beaver Unhacked

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Nov 16, 2011 16339 Plays Arcade 40.46 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): Press 1 Money - 2 Items

Game Information
Try to kick Justin the Beaver back to his beaver lodge. There are a lot of power-ups and obstacles during the flight. After each flight you are able to buy some upgrades.

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daiishin's avatar
daiishin      (more than a year ago)


blakeserry's avatar
blakeserry      (more than a year ago)

Yeah JB Gets Owned But I Wish It was Really Him

PreHacker122's avatar
PreHacker122      (more than a year ago)

Like beavers are that bad. Beavers are awesome. BTW bieber I hate u.

troller2seconds's avatar
troller2seconds      (more than a year ago)

if you press 2 multiple times then youl get infinite items

shit's avatar
shit      (more than a year ago)

The hall of EVIL:
1.Justin Beaver
2.Adolf Hitler
3.Osama Bin Laden
Thunbs up if your AGREE!

Beastlord58963's avatar
Beastlord58963     (more than a year ago)

1 isn't evil hes gay but the other ones are evil

cherryjam's avatar
cherryjam     (more than a year ago)

HIEL HITLER! Joking. Hitler is evil...has anyone watched Hitler plays Microsoft flight simulator? That's funny...hehehe. And the slenderman one too.

kojoe77's avatar
kojoe77      (more than a year ago)

Give me thumbs up if you want me to kick JB in real life.

hacker219's avatar
hacker219      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if you hate justin hieber

alkad's avatar
alkad      (more than a year ago)

just shows how weak that b@ch is you kick him and he dies.

parkbanana's avatar
parkbanana      (more than a year ago)

Hey guys just saying. Dobnt call him beaver because your insulting the innoncent beaver (animal) and for all we know would rather kiss a beaver than go to a jb concert

9frazz's avatar
9frazz      (more than a year ago)

Kick that fatty Justin Beaver

simdate's avatar
simdate     (more than a year ago)

You just copied my comment hows did you get more like than me

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