Sleepy Germs Hacked

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Nov 19, 2011 6750 Plays Puzzle 47.27 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win Stage/Level - Extra Hack: Health

Game Information
Clear the germ infection by removing the specific colored germ with a capsule. Be careful which germs you remove, waking germs will hurt the health of your sick patient.

MOUSE to interact, R to restart.

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candy29042's avatar
candy29042      (more than a year ago)

want to sleep....

crystal19293949's avatar
crystal19293949      (more than a year ago)

AHHHHHHHHHHHH CANT PALY TO BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

crystal19293949's avatar
crystal19293949      (more than a year ago)

lolz so i see it's boring :

bigblade's avatar
bigblade      (more than a year ago)

god,this game is worse than super mario bounce

zacaaron123's avatar
zacaaron123      (more than a year ago)


iLightning's avatar
iLightning      (more than a year ago)

whats even the objective.... o.O :s

dragonasta9's avatar
dragonasta9      (more than a year ago)


theonlyawsomeguy's avatar
theonlyawsomeguy      (more than a year ago)

really boring

dormock's avatar
dormock      (more than a year ago)


anson123's avatar
anson123      (more than a year ago)


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