Bad Teacher Hacked

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Nov 23, 2011 8001 Plays Puzzle 36.71 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

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Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle Plates - 2 Win Level

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samthedam45's avatar
samthedam45      (more than a year ago)

I beat level 20 but I can't beat level 1!!!!

Jizue's avatar
Jizue      (more than a year ago)

One Time In 6th Grade which was like 5 years ago my teacher hit a girl and went to prizon :X

RebornSkillz's avatar
RebornSkillz      (more than a year ago)

best song :D but christmas game

KiroEllisDawson's avatar
KiroEllisDawson      (more than a year ago)

Man, You Are All Lucky That You Don't Have A Teacher That Strips You Round The bottom With A Massive Sharp Ruler Blade...Ouch!

Hacklol12's avatar
Hacklol12      (more than a year ago)

One time in middle school he got so mad at a guy in my class named Steven just for entering the wrong password for the computer and locking it out and our teacher threw the computer and took him to the principles office. and he forgo he could call!XD

kyuri's avatar
kyuri      (more than a year ago)


newtutdfan's avatar
newtutdfan      (more than a year ago)


wizard24i's avatar
wizard24i      (more than a year ago)

ive seen even worse teachers once a teacher took a computer disk and threw it on me my mouth got so much blood and the worse it amolst threw the comeputer screen on me but thanks to the princeapple he fired him phew and im not kidding

almondjoyer's avatar
almondjoyer      (more than a year ago)

Ive seen worse teachers.

Razekiller2's avatar
Razekiller2      (more than a year ago)


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