United Orbs Hacked

lightbutton Play United Orbs Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Dec 01, 2011 14719 Plays Strategy 38.79 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Units - 2 Money - 3 Full bases (The display updates after buying, for hack 1 and 3 you need to own the planets, hack 3 gives you the maximal population)

Game Information
- Space ambience, cool music and graphics.
- 50 levels
- In-game tutorial
- Upgrades
- Story

  • Currently 4.5/5
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4.33  based on 6 votes. Game or hack broken? Report it.
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azrael300's avatar
azrael300      (more than a year ago)

for the united orbs of america! for orbitery! for orbreedom!!! for All damn orbs in all the parrell worlds we rule!!!! United we stand!divided we fall!

azrael300's avatar
azrael300      (more than a year ago)

sometimes the spaceships look like galaxys

AaronTheAwesome's avatar
AaronTheAwesome      (more than a year ago)

GOODVSEVIL is right, it froze DON'T USE HACK 3!!!!!=(

gidey's avatar
gidey      (more than a year ago)

unit button not workin :

likeaboss8380's avatar
likeaboss8380     (more than a year ago)


trlpel's avatar
trlpel      (more than a year ago)

it freezes after level 3

azrael300's avatar
azrael300     (more than a year ago)

its not blank he said it freezes after level 3 so go to h%ell 13 trolls!

GOODVSEVIL      (more than a year ago)

epic game but hack 3 always freeze the game

kab355's avatar
kab355     (more than a year ago)


azrael300's avatar
azrael300     (more than a year ago)

it did not to me exsept for this one time so i put cokacola in a water bottle and found out it unfrezed

CoolGuyhacker's avatar
CoolGuyhacker      (more than a year ago)

Cool game dude

iphone4's avatar
iphone4      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up so this game can have at least one thumbs up comment

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