Naval Strike Hacked

lightbutton Play Naval Strike Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Dec 13, 2011 8216 Plays Action 838 B

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Key Hacks: Press 1 Life +1 - 2 Refill Health - 3 Win Level

Game Information
An Air -Scout has tracked the secret sea lanes the enemy uses to deliver strategic cargos to the battlefields. You wield an agile aircraft armed with two rapid-fire machine-guns and anti-ship torpedo missiles. Your task is to destroy the enemy transports. Take care though, the transports are under escort of the enemy Military navy and Air forces.

Game controls: Use Mouse to move your plane up and down, left and right. Click Left Mouse button to fire Machine-Guns. Press "Space Key" to release Torpedo Missile.

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TonyHumphus's avatar
TonyHumphus      (more than a year ago)

what is this???

DOOMSKULL's avatar
DOOMSKULL      (more than a year ago)


papgay246's avatar
papgay246      (more than a year ago)


jojomahone's avatar
jojomahone      (more than a year ago)

goooood ggggaaammmee

2smrt4u's avatar
2smrt4u      (more than a year ago)

if you hold down hack 2 while you play youre invincible

jbigtas2's avatar
jbigtas2     (more than a year ago)

stoupid like your mom

83jozef83's avatar
83jozef83      (more than a year ago)


dragonat112's avatar
dragonat112      (more than a year ago)

stupid game but good hacks...

david12376's avatar
david12376     (more than a year ago)

i disagree good game stupid hacks

david12376's avatar
david12376     (more than a year ago)

scratch that wrong game so stupid game stupid hacks

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