BreakOut 360 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 13, 2009 6056 Plays Arcade 248.54 KB

Hacked By: Riykku    

Hack Information:
Lives Hack,Bonus Timer Frozen

Game Information
Ever played the old school game BreakOut? This is the next generation of BreakOut with a completely new look and extra features! The object of this game is to move your pad 360 degrees around the brick area. There are no top, bottom, left or right borders. Prepare for moving bricks and rotating bouncers & lots of power ups.

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xmarjen's avatar
xmarjen      (more than a year ago)

ShadowHaunter sucks!He hacks gay gammess

lucas-pokemon@li's avatar
lucas-pokemon@li      (more than a year ago)

lousy game

white teeth's avatar
white teeth      (more than a year ago)

sucks butt

Dimitry147's avatar
Dimitry147      (more than a year ago)

B I T C H - G A M E

yoyomaster's avatar
yoyomaster      (more than a year ago)

i kinda like it

bushrider12's avatar
bushrider12      (more than a year ago)

its a piece of ****

SLOUISGANGSTER     (more than a year ago)

it is a peice of stars i would give it 4 stars too cause all the hard work u put into making games

arcade pro's avatar
arcade pro      (more than a year ago)

the dumbest game I ever playded!!!

slayn15's avatar
slayn15      (more than a year ago)

way too short

Nujjitoza's avatar
Nujjitoza      (more than a year ago)

to b honest, a piece of crap.

pitto1's avatar
pitto1     (more than a year ago)


cadegrey's avatar
cadegrey      (more than a year ago)

Right click,forward

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