Travel Sick Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 18, 2009 8814 Plays Adventure 635.95 KB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Lives hack

Game Information
You have no money. Find items to trade to complete the game without dying. Can you find it all? Use spacebar to interact

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Hopping Crazy

Hopping Crazy

10414 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Godmode

Hacked By: leverage419

Flying Back To The Future

Flying Back To The Future

7121 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Lives

Hacked By: leverage419



7098 plays                       

Cheats: Hackmenu (Backslash(\) Open/Close): [1] Toggle Jump

Hacked By: leverage419

Newbie Mage

Newbie Mage

7685 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Hp

Hacked By: leverage419



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footninja's avatar
footninja      (more than a year ago)

here's travel sick walktreought : (please thumbs up)
Level 1:
- Get drink on rock
- Give drink to guy around the middle of the level whose tooth has to be pulled
- Get flute at end of level - Use flute on snake at rock (just standing on the ground) - Get pot around the beginning of the level - Use pot on snake (press space while jumping) - Use snake on goat by the melon - Get melon and give it to the marketman at the beginning of the level - Get tool and use it on the sle

Doope09's avatar
Doope09      (more than a year ago)

lol i clocked it.... SO BORING
thumbs down if your gay

John Kaplan's avatar
John Kaplan      (more than a year ago)

The hell?

stickrpg's avatar
stickrpg      (more than a year ago)

Idont get this game whatsoever

13rendan's avatar
13rendan      (more than a year ago)

i can' beat the first level

razan4545's avatar
razan4545      (more than a year ago)


EVIL COBRA's avatar
EVIL COBRA      (more than a year ago)

who made this ******* game

Stevster's avatar
Stevster      (more than a year ago)


ernestchicke's avatar
ernestchicke      (more than a year ago)

lol is he raping the water melon or eating it??!! it sounds like hes raping it lol rofl!@!@!

iopkluj's avatar
iopkluj      (more than a year ago)


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