What Now Harry Hacked

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Dec 24, 2011 8779 Plays Arcade 1.68 MB

Hacked By: Anonymous

Hack Information:
Timer Stopped - You don't lose lives

Requested By: penguindude22

Game Information
Did you ever wonder what Harry Potter did after defeating Voldemort? Here's a funny game to show you.

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cotts's avatar
cotts      (more than a year ago)

if u really want to know what happend to harry after he deafeted voldemort he ad 2 boys: James and albus severus potter and a girl: Lilly
and married ginny weasly while ron married h

moronety's avatar
moronety      (more than a year ago)

hAtE tHiS cRaZy GaMe

seanwu's avatar
seanwu      (more than a year ago)


morcam3's avatar
morcam3      (more than a year ago)

After I beat this Im gonna play the impossible game!

elad's avatar
elad      (more than a year ago)

what is the spell against the hangover?

valicj223's avatar
valicj223      (more than a year ago)

Lick A zteel

alik810's avatar
alik810      (more than a year ago)

boring game

4Realz's avatar
4Realz      (more than a year ago)

What did Harry Potter do?
He sat on his azz and abused his magic.

bob1234567's avatar
bob1234567      (more than a year ago)

there are people who are meant to make games and there people who deserve to die. the creator of this game HAS TO DIE!!!

RulerOfTheWorld1's avatar
RulerOfTheWorld1      (more than a year ago)


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