Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle acceleration - 2 Max speed
Game Information
Drive as fast as you can and beat your rivals, gain extra points by overtaking other cars from a close distance or keeping a hi-speed for a long time.
[url=https://temp-mail.org/]https://temp-mail.org/ [/url]
a href="https://temp-mail.org/"https://temp-mail.or g//a
[https://temp-mail.org/](https://temp-mail .org/)
also stopping takes a long time
when u set up max speed to 500 its super sonic
Also, If you press 1 if your starting a race, SPEED BOOST! (Speed must be 300-500)
It's over 5000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thanks to the 500 max speed hack. :3)
*Also the Acceleration Toggle Hack.
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