Feed Dead Demons Hacked

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Jan 02, 2012 5412 Plays Puzzle 2.51 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Start a new game to unlock all levels (go to the menu with Q)

Game Information
Feed Dead Demons is an amazing 25 levels puzzle game. Your goal is to move your heros or demons to the designated places using the physics.

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willisvaughn340's avatar
willisvaughn340      (more than a year ago)

thats a very nice every thing you have there.............BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cj49's avatar
cj49      (more than a year ago)

minecraft is jump

Melore's avatar
Melore      (more than a year ago)

the music is glitched on my computer!!!!

davidxxl95's avatar
davidxxl95      (more than a year ago)

why do you need to feed demons if they're already dead???

yogibear244's avatar
yogibear244     (more than a year ago)

duh there zombie demons

101010101010's avatar
101010101010      (more than a year ago)

i agree scott

ColinHexr's avatar
ColinHexr      (more than a year ago)

elect lol bestest

morcozor's avatar
morcozor     (more than a year ago)

you mean selectlol not electlol

Scottvrakis's avatar
Scottvrakis      (more than a year ago)

Very Nice!

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