Besieged Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Oct 24, 2009 13206 Plays Defence 4.42 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
Money and resources hack

Game Information
Besieged takes castle defense in a whole new direction, incorporating real-time strategy and RPG elements of gameplay into the mix.

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Imacat367's avatar
Imacat367      (more than a year ago)


krisma12234's avatar
krisma12234      (more than a year ago)

there sould me a next wave button the waves go by TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow!!!

Slayer1423's avatar
Slayer1423      (more than a year ago)

Umm, these games prolly don't work for you cause your computer sucks, Martin and Dave are the designated "Best Hackers", All of us, the viewers have decided that. So yea, just sayin.

ajax07101998's avatar
ajax07101998      (more than a year ago)

martin rivtov is god! he makes the best hacks ever!

BobvanMaximus's avatar
BobvanMaximus      (more than a year ago)

Hey man, go screw yourself, Ristov is a god!

danx123's avatar
danx123      (more than a year ago)

i beat this game without hacks and now im beating it with hacks xD

Aranyflogo1's avatar
Aranyflogo1      (more than a year ago)

cool game

artix766's avatar
artix766      (more than a year ago)


grdx23's avatar
grdx23      (more than a year ago)


lolcats999's avatar
lolcats999      (more than a year ago)

how many waves

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