Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win Level
Game Information
Hit the Troll is a fun physics game, this video solution for all the 20 levels of the game will help you solve all the puzzles, enjoy!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle godmode - [D] Enable specials
Hacked By: selectLOL
for any one who sees this go to level editor and type in: eNpdjcsJAzEMBbegh9GT/L85aSAdpBEXt6WtEmNIVrqIYRgd53 h0iwVWEwQEIzidqYLChfwK6QOtRqig/dLRKQZt2V3fOZ6uFbDw C3YvtxwkgdR7M6s363/01VUazGw1ZM/qV9eSwPzDu1zciylI ooo
If U wanna play my
custom round (if u change it i will change the load code)
its XxTheShadowGamer's Hard Round Of Epic Proporations
Selectlol RULEZ
I hacked my comment when you like you see a troll face
when the trolls are shot they look really constipated
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