Hacked By: Proditor
Hack Information:
Health,lives and credits hack,unlimited ammo,no reload
Game Information
This is Part 2 of the Virtual Police Saga. Well, its more like a sequel than the second level - the graphics have improved by a lot. While the enemies in Part 1 had about 200 polygons, they now have almost 200,000 in Part 2. There are also now no less than SEVEN locations that can be shot now instead of only two.
Sounds like Virtual Cop
do you know the people in armor mayhem the people who hacked it on this website one of them is dead
im clear the game abn i win the game
Remember "Dust" Means Shi*
And S.O.P.A means N.A.Z.I.S
terrist standing right infront of me
holding his axe..
Nothing happened...
i di ceorch shot ona guy when he jumped on front of me lol now that was funny
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