Ace Gangster Hacked

lightbutton Play Ace Gangster Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jan 20, 2012 457448 Plays Action 9.18 MB

Hacked By: Rah12    

Hack Information:
110000 money, guns and ammo, bombs and increased reputation in the beginnig of the game.

Requested By: ilikepie

Game Information
Build your reputation as a Gangster by doing jobs for the various criminal gangs in the city, hijack a car, demolish the building, attack the office, and many more.

Game Controls:
Arrow Keys - Move
Space - Action
Z - enter building
1-4 : Weapon Select
Mouse : Aim and Shoot

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tyroneilagan210's avatar
tyroneilagan210      (more than a year ago)

Selectlol Must Hack This Game!

iamagreatgamer's avatar
iamagreatgamer      (more than a year ago)

*sigh*, we need a debug and a new hack like selectLOL dose. the cars suck, u don't have any health, and the game is super laggy! bad hack, buggy game.
thumbs down if u don't agree
thumbs up if you do agree.

545Oyuncu's avatar
545Oyuncu      (more than a year ago)

This game looks Gta Sa

Ooficus's avatar
Ooficus      (more than a year ago)

This game is garbage. "Good cars" don't exist, even when I escape the cops they RAM into me giving me a wanted level again, and its near impossible to escape with the constant chasing.

Juancheterio's avatar
Juancheterio      (more than a year ago)

Seria genial si se pudiera entrar a una tienda y que no cambiara de posicion la camara...

assasino4321's avatar
assasino4321      (more than a year ago)

I think it would be cool if the person could be a cop.

Juancheterio's avatar
Juancheterio      (more than a year ago)

Se puede estallar la estacin de polcia?

flyingkitty101's avatar
flyingkitty101      (more than a year ago)


randofawn's avatar
randofawn      (more than a year ago)

you can get out of a car you have to stop the car first then press space

likaboss's avatar
likaboss      (more than a year ago)


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