Alex The Kid Hacked

lightbutton Play Alex The Kid Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jan 30, 2012 5620 Plays Arcade 936 B

Hacked By: cilibiudragos    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Health - 2 Toggle Ammo - 3 Win Level

Game Information
Complete all the levels and collect all the diamonds. This is the Demo version.

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ipwnatgames's avatar
ipwnatgames      (more than a year ago)

1 fruitloop out of 10 fruitloops

thinker's avatar
thinker      (more than a year ago)

the whole story is simple i played only 2 levels to understand that.the whole thing needs something special.i don't know what is it but that's all what i know.
please reply if there is anything wrong.
game3/5 hack5/5

1bababoey's avatar
1bababoey      (more than a year ago)

(((((( 1 ))))))

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