Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
All Classes enabled - 9999 ammo for all guns - and grenades - All guns automatics - 999999 wall health - 99999999 Cash and AP
Game Information
Defend your fort against angry critter attackers
There is no reforge weapon in this version!!
any class with the perk big guns, it is very fun to use grenade launchers
they should have a instant exp upgrde hold 1 to gain exp
Tip:buy like 10000 chickens
you will get alot of cash.
is 1000 enough?
ok im lvl 20 on day 13 on HC and i still havnt gotten ragnorak wtf i want ragnorak
Unless you get to the later levels and have upgraded your castle a lot AND only use it near the end of the round, it will kill you. So if you find it, be sure you've got at least 150 castle health before you use it.
i think it should have instant reload to :P
lol got ragnok on first day wtf
Two words................... Bad bottom
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