The Battle for Cotroceni Hacked


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Nov 01, 2009 11231 Plays Beat em Up 1.19 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
90% more than opponent and bullet bounces 10 times instead of once!

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SquillemDeFoe's avatar
SquillemDeFoe      (more than a year ago)

They are speaking Romanian, it is kinda obvious.

kiesejas123's avatar
kiesejas123      (more than a year ago)


bondigitti's avatar
bondigitti      (more than a year ago)


VladSmart's avatar
VladSmart      (more than a year ago)

Fain....Da de ce nu-s YO presedinte?

PAINKILLER     (more than a year ago)

Hey bottom speak ENGLISH you son of a female dog

respekt's avatar
respekt      (more than a year ago)

da il suporta knv pe basescu :))?=))

valicj223's avatar
valicj223      (more than a year ago)

da de ce nu pot toti sa comenteze in romana?

AssassinTuc's avatar
AssassinTuc      (more than a year ago)

Poi bai fratilor toti suntem romani inafara de dave petty si inca ceva...TARA NOASTRA AR FI SUPER DACA NU AR EXISTA BOC SAU ALTII SI AR FI ALTII MAI DARNICI!

G1K's avatar
G1K     (more than a year ago)

bai tu ai dreptate

WolfBlack's avatar
WolfBlack      (more than a year ago)

e fain jocu

WolfBlack's avatar
WolfBlack      (more than a year ago)

suunt roman si eu si nu il suport pe basescu

Fromagorat's avatar
Fromagorat      (more than a year ago)

romania sucks i know that cuz si eu sunt roman(translate:i'm romanian too:( )

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