Hot Tub Heist Hacked

lightbutton Play Hot Tub Heist Unhacked

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Feb 10, 2012 67078 Plays Arcade 39.64 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Teleport to the Left - 2 Teleport to the Center - 3 Teleport to the Right

Requested By: cybertaz13

Game Information
Hot Tub Heist is a fun platform game. Run downstairs, navigate around obstacles and avoid the alien space ship.

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L3g3nd0fw4r's avatar
L3g3nd0fw4r      (more than a year ago)

Like if you're epic and chill

WizardMinecraft's avatar
WizardMinecraft      (more than a year ago)


Thehacklover's avatar
Thehacklover      (more than a year ago)

Omega Flowey Fight in a nutshell

purplelord's avatar
purplelord      (more than a year ago)

why not add invincible?

XeonLegend's avatar
XeonLegend      (more than a year ago)

ifyoucanreadwhatiamtypingiwillgiveyouachipsahoycoo kieandyouwullbeveryhappywithyourlifeifyoucanreadth islikethiscommentsoiknowyouarenotaidiotlolplsdontk illmebecauseiamwaitingforthegametoload

Quack80's avatar
Quack80      (more than a year ago)

I would honestly prefer playing as the alien.

FyreWolf33's avatar
FyreWolf33     (more than a year ago)


lucyfir's avatar
lucyfir      (more than a year ago)

oh, hi alfred! lost the cowlick?

vkgamer's avatar
vkgamer      (more than a year ago)

like if this game is awesome !!!

likeabaws707's avatar
likeabaws707      (more than a year ago)

*kicks**wall falls down by person*me:OMG

nindojo1089's avatar
nindojo1089      (more than a year ago)

my high score on the last level is f**king

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