Guardian Popon Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 05, 2009 5593 Plays Action 483.34 KB

Hacked By: 137923    

Hack Information:
Cannon balls, u can get hit 3000 times before u die not 3 and castle health too, also enemy life reduced to 1 shot

Game Information
The objective of the game is to destroy all enemy ships and to protect your castle at the same time. There is a cannonball reloader near your castle so you can restock on ammo there.

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BIG-KILLER's avatar
BIG-KILLER      (more than a year ago)


froobman's avatar
froobman      (more than a year ago)

evony posters are actually influencing other ads 0.0 in the future ads will constantly have girls who think their pretty in hooker outfits
(co@pa if u agree)
Rate Thumbs Up if u agree

spiralknight's avatar
spiralknight      (more than a year ago)

nice hacks and you guys who get minus say sorry to missy lol

super pwnage3's avatar
super pwnage3      (more than a year ago)


zebrazebra1's avatar
zebrazebra1      (more than a year ago)

Gets boring

abhi123's avatar
abhi123      (more than a year ago)


emilianxx's avatar
emilianxx      (more than a year ago)

it's boring?..slow boring....but i reached p325132... in : 10 min... is very easy game..but boringgggggggggg

90opklnm's avatar
90opklnm     (more than a year ago)


sakadas's avatar
sakadas      (more than a year ago)

at lvl 80 it gets boring

Oink trzy's avatar
Oink trzy      (more than a year ago)

JUst download auto clicer v3 go to respawn of ships and its easy

AngryWild Mango's avatar
AngryWild Mango      (more than a year ago)

its on top rated becouse its a new game and its ****

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