Escape From Ninja Dojo Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Mar 08, 2012 20059 Plays Puzzle 38.74 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win level - 2 Godmode on - 3 Godmode off - 4 Pickup (0=none, 1=void, 2=wind, 3=fire, 4=water, 5=earth)

Game Information
Escape From Ninja Dojo is a unique physics game, your goal is to launch Rigby into ninjas and rescue him. See more instructions in the game.

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Razlem's avatar
Razlem      (more than a year ago)

selectLOL best hacker everrrrrrrrrr

coolboy1236's avatar
coolboy1236      (more than a year ago)

thats rigby right :)

memetroller's avatar
memetroller      (more than a year ago)

maybe cartoon network pay to the owner of the game?

themaskfan's avatar
themaskfan      (more than a year ago)

er i mean sticky ninja academy

themaskfan's avatar
themaskfan      (more than a year ago)


themaskfan's avatar
themaskfan      (more than a year ago)

i support selectLOL this is paper ninja cartoon network just stole a game put a different name on it and BOOM!

iVeronickah's avatar
iVeronickah      (more than a year ago)

Oh, man! Is Rigby! I LOVE Regular Show!

OVERPOWERDNINJA      (more than a year ago)

SelcetLOL hacks AWWWWW ooooo wait hes suppost to AWESOME HACK

sonicsplat19's avatar
sonicsplat19      (more than a year ago)

BEST GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JeanTheDuke's avatar
JeanTheDuke      (more than a year ago)

ok so it loads then flash player stops working -_-

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