Epic Stand Hacked

lightbutton Play Epic Stand Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Mar 23, 2012 80764 Plays Arcade 9.62 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
ackbar: Press G Toggle floor health - H Toggle mana - J Toggle cooldown

Game Information
For many years, the dark knight Morokwar and his horde are trying to seize lands owned by people and protected by mighty wizard Frostorn and his fearless knights. Finally Morokwar gathered countless army to start an epic battle! Help wizard to stand against the horde and protect the peaceful lands of devastating and burning. All our hope in you!

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5933 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Lives - [2] Toggle Laser - [3] Son...

Hacked By: leverage419



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unknown232323's avatar
unknown232323      (more than a year ago)

omg selectlol is my dad

Retya's avatar
Retya      (more than a year ago)

Ram192, just shut up, everybody knows your lying lol

yoyo3841's avatar
yoyo3841      (more than a year ago)

If only there was a hack to add skulls

Lazybones67's avatar
Lazybones67      (more than a year ago)

needs win level cheat and upgrade points cheat

cheatfan970's avatar
cheatfan970      (more than a year ago)

ackbar=islam word(Latin)

awesomeman123's avatar
awesomeman123      (more than a year ago)

favourite game

kane10000's avatar
kane10000      (more than a year ago)

like if you noticed he spelled hackbar wrong LOL

iShockwaveii's avatar
iShockwaveii      (more than a year ago)

SelectLOL, you've done it again!

dragonlord77's avatar
dragonlord77      (more than a year ago)

upgrade points? :P

ram192's avatar
ram192      (more than a year ago)

everybody belive it or not selectlol is my best friend in school. if you need games please tell me

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