D-Space Hacked

lightbutton Play D-Space Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Mar 29, 2012 70709 Plays Arcade 939 B

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Minerals - 2 Gas - 3 Toggle mothership health - 4 Win level

Game Information
Your objective in this game is to conquer the galaxy and to defeat the terrible foe that stands in your way. To achieve this goal you need planets, solar systems, life forms, and other resources to man your ships.

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dadaoo123321's avatar
dadaoo123321      (more than a year ago)

hehe D space get like B====D

dylan3881's avatar
dylan3881      (more than a year ago)

wow mt shockwave flash crashed in the middel of the misshon

Waterblaze145's avatar
Waterblaze145      (more than a year ago)

u guys should play AB space its a awesome game!

Jchung12's avatar
Jchung12      (more than a year ago)

This was the first game i played when I ha 5 years e.e but i played in free world

kingsspace's avatar
kingsspace      (more than a year ago)

when destroyers are firing it frezze also send your destroyers in the limite of map and
avoid enemy destroyers if they attack your mothership kill them before they fire.

rileyracer's avatar
rileyracer      (more than a year ago)

9999999999 999999999999999
99999 9999 999 99 9 0 lol

azot500's avatar
azot500      (more than a year ago)

note 7

BudderSkin's avatar
BudderSkin      (more than a year ago)

This is my favorite game

BestFBCheaterX's avatar
BestFBCheaterX      (more than a year ago)

this game is lame now cause you stop in the middle of some level !

BestFBCheaterX's avatar
BestFBCheaterX      (more than a year ago)

can finish it completely the game keeps on freezing in some level

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