Element Tower Defence 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 14, 2009 17301 Plays Tower Defence 68.14 KB

Hacked By: MiguelRaimond    

Hack Information:
100 lives and 999999 money

Game Information
This is the second of the 2 game series of element tower defence.. I have also submitted the first one..

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stapler8's avatar
stapler8      (more than a year ago)

raxo55, There is no highscore because on arcadeprehacks you can not post on scoreboards, because it would be unfair for anyone else.

EliteKarma's avatar
EliteKarma      (more than a year ago)

my score is no lie lol ITS 969441004

raxo55's avatar
raxo55      (more than a year ago)

What's the point of score? There is no Highscores thing. I got exactly 1074104795 score and there was no HIGHSCORE THING! Awesome hack and i agree with Zuckerjunkie about the game.

mage1483's avatar
mage1483      (more than a year ago)

game sucks, but hack is awesome.

henrique1117's avatar
henrique1117      (more than a year ago)


VortexAngelGX's avatar
VortexAngelGX      (more than a year ago)

man this game is totally big!

ZuckeRb's avatar
ZuckeRb           (more than a year ago)

The Game:
Besides a little different look it is absolutely the same as part 1.

The Hack:
Works, you got all the money you need.

mr slush's avatar
mr slush      (more than a year ago)

fallout3killer's avatar
fallout3killer      (more than a year ago)

dont really like

NZ_DEATHEAGLE      (more than a year ago)


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