Cycle Commando Hacked

lightbutton Play Cycle Commando Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 02, 2012 8138 Plays Racing 872 B

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Win level - 2 Toggle godmode

Game Information
You are a head of a motorcycle club. Drive through the city and complete all the levels at your best time!

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Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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bombfunk110's avatar
bombfunk110      (more than a year ago)

WOW with this hack when activated turn upside down on the floor and hold ARROW KEY UP and ARROW KEY LEFT and it gets REALLY BROKEN!!

tolyam's avatar
tolyam      (more than a year ago)

Thanks to hacked!!!

willl61063's avatar
willl61063      (more than a year ago)

it's some dust!!!!!!!

ellis's avatar
ellis      (more than a year ago)

call 911 stupit and report it is a bad game

springy62's avatar
springy62      (more than a year ago)

it gets boring... You mad bro?^

teja2000roxx's avatar
teja2000roxx      (more than a year ago)

i wanna know how to hack

ShinyUnicorn's avatar
ShinyUnicorn      (more than a year ago)


thehobo's avatar
thehobo      (more than a year ago)

it was yesterday

will1111's avatar
will1111      (more than a year ago)

major glitch...i into a bri
ck wall and it didn't :)

will1111's avatar
will1111     (more than a year ago)

i ran...brick

ginjaninja2010's avatar
ginjaninja2010      (more than a year ago)


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