Justin Beaver Hacked

lightbutton Play Justin Beaver Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 21, 2012 6572 Plays Puzzle 38.6 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Win Level

Game Information
Meet the young popstar Justin Beaver and help him on his journey to find the true love. Find your way to the big stage, test your dancing skill at a local R'n'B club and don't surprise if the true love for Justin Beaver isn't a beautiful girl! Ha-ha-ha!

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Hacked By: leverage419



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BlueBlob's avatar
BlueBlob      (more than a year ago)


cherryjam's avatar
cherryjam      (more than a year ago)

I keep killing him. 1. I hate Justin Gayber. 2. I'm evil! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

ipwnatgames's avatar
ipwnatgames      (more than a year ago)

ssssssssoooooo ssstuuuupiiiidddd even though abroy games rock

Thebossofbosses's avatar
Thebossofbosses      (more than a year ago)


Trevstar's avatar
Trevstar      (more than a year ago)

We all know he will never find love

CHASE361224's avatar
CHASE361224      (more than a year ago)

how do you move again?

twistingtiger16's avatar
twistingtiger16      (more than a year ago)


808sragon808's avatar
808sragon808      (more than a year ago)

guys i found out why his voice is high. they chop'ed off his balls. no more gay babys are needed in this world. yes i know they dint really chop it off they did something to him.

imacool's avatar
imacool      (more than a year ago)

y u have to help him just kill him who cares

thehappy555's avatar
thehappy555      (more than a year ago)

f leverage in his bottom for makning this game but also i thank him i hate JFINB but i like leverage just alittle more formaking this but i still hate the bug eyed games

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