Katpow Express Hacked

lightbutton Play Katpow Express Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 02, 2012 6722 Plays Arcade 38.75 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 99 Pre-Cooked Ingredients - 2 All Menu Items Unlocked - 3 Mini Cashier - 4 Automatic Cooking - 5 Longer Days For a Workaholic

Game Information
Why go to an asian restaurant when you can run one!Whether its in the alley, kitchen, or front counter you must watch out for your stock, burnt items or angry clients! Take the helm of a starting asian restaurant franchise and serve as many clients as you can, as fast as you can! Time is money my friends! and the more money you get, the closer you come to getting PI.M.P.!

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selectBOY's avatar
selectBOY      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up for this hacked games

stallen34's avatar
stallen34      (more than a year ago)

Oh that was disgusting. Fun game to play, but really disgusting.

Fukyu2's avatar
Fukyu2      (more than a year ago)

Love the names and how he pronounces them.

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