Chompy The Great Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 20, 2009 6892 Plays Arcade 2.96 MB

Hacked By: Carpet    

Hack Information:
You get more bugjuice from the bugs in the first level, so you have enough juice to complete upgrade anything

Game Information
Eat the bugs as they come down. Upgrade your plant to have a longer neck and a better bite.

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gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)


9GagSeesAll's avatar
9GagSeesAll      (more than a year ago)

lol cheat engine to speed up loading

soopermariofan's avatar
soopermariofan      (more than a year ago)

WOOT no escapes on preloader game!

bunnistone's avatar
bunnistone      (more than a year ago)

lol I FINISHED THE WIZARDS TEST...wich is rlly the whole game

9GagSeesAll's avatar
9GagSeesAll     (more than a year ago)

Which may explain that there might be a Chompy the Great 2...?

Lethalrules's avatar
Lethalrules      (more than a year ago)

'sarafiend' is easy

lolo's avatar
lolo      (more than a year ago)

beated the boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lolo's avatar
lolo      (more than a year ago)

yay chompy!

firelasser's avatar
firelasser      (more than a year ago)

i die on boss. i need helth hack

zerosarefun's avatar
zerosarefun      (more than a year ago)

maby you shuold think about adding an imortalitly cheat?
you know, for the last boss?
whos kinda hard.....

Grizzle's avatar
Grizzle      (more than a year ago)

R U BLIND IT SAYS click when ur ready on top -_-

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