Rise of the Marshals Hacked

lightbutton Play Rise of the Marshals Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 11, 2012 53482 Plays Beat em Up 929 B

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle energy

Game Information
An amazing action game with some RPG elements and player choice that has a big impact on gameplay and story progression.

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4.15  based on 27 votes. Game or hack broken? Report it.
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Hacked By: selectLOL



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RaithIsHere's avatar
RaithIsHere      (more than a year ago)

this game is awesome!

PsychoticVirus's avatar
PsychoticVirus      (more than a year ago)

game broke right when syndicate leader got his swag suit on at marshal hq

xxXProGamerXxx's avatar
xxXProGamerXxx      (more than a year ago)

10/10 Perfect STory And GAme It Reminds Me OF The Old Retro Times Remember That Times???

CovertSkrub314's avatar
CovertSkrub314      (more than a year ago)

this feels like it's from an anime, cool game.

19maxim's avatar
19maxim      (more than a year ago)

This game never gets old =)

shreyash's avatar
shreyash      (more than a year ago)

What the?The game got bugged for me when the syndicate leader got thrown away by his lietanut

iahmed786's avatar
iahmed786      (more than a year ago)

This game is like you're own character rebelling against the Illuminati.

iahmed786's avatar
iahmed786     (more than a year ago)


pimppopper2669's avatar
pimppopper2669      (more than a year ago)


bestboy6191's avatar
bestboy6191      (more than a year ago)


jimmy0908's avatar
jimmy0908      (more than a year ago)

needs a get all weapons hack

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