Zombie Toss Hacked

lightbutton Play Zombie Toss Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 15, 2012 10888 Plays Arcade 39.59 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Money

Game Information
Play zombie toss game and use the building rooftop as a platform to throw rotting undead folk into outer space. Use the mouse to control the actions of the boxer as he punches the victim up into the air. Try to get the moving needle pointer to land squarely in the middle and the power meter to hit the end of the gauge for a maximum distance. Earn enough lolly to get more better upgrades like rocket packs at the shop.

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AwesomeFameGamer's avatar
AwesomeFameGamer      (more than a year ago)

Boorrin..... ZZZZZZ!!!

kakashi999's avatar
kakashi999      (more than a year ago)

hackean este juego
Sands of the Coliseum

crazyj76's avatar
crazyj76      (more than a year ago)

hellu borin!!!! jk its coll:))

qwertyuiop678's avatar
qwertyuiop678      (more than a year ago)

boring =( 0/10

vincent024's avatar
vincent024      (more than a year ago)

good games

zheem's avatar
zheem      (more than a year ago)


bloodyhelll's avatar
bloodyhelll      (more than a year ago)

a fuel hack wouldnt be bad :P

FireMadness's avatar
FireMadness      (more than a year ago)

a boring game

badasskiller's avatar
badasskiller      (more than a year ago)

i got to 9999 meaters secent try!!!!

jaarad's avatar
jaarad      (more than a year ago)

Not a copy of turtle toss at all...
Not one bit.

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