Portal Pirate Hacked

lightbutton Play Portal Pirate Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 20, 2012 5884 Plays Arcade 9.62 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 3 Godmode on - 4 Godmode off - 5 Teleport to mouse - 6 Coins

Game Information
Manipulate gravity in this cool puzzle game! You play as a tiny pixelated pirate on a quest to get his treasure back from the evil Negative Beard! Use your platforming skills to navigate the level, and also by pressing spacebar, you can switch gravity! Use this to solve otherwise impossible puzzles. You can also use warp puzzles to travel around the level! Do you have what it takes to get your lost treasure back?

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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SumGuy888's avatar
SumGuy888      (more than a year ago)


pachangon's avatar
pachangon      (more than a year ago)


tarunesh's avatar
tarunesh      (more than a year ago)

no one is ready to stand before selectlol at hacking thumbs up the game

4801552008's avatar
4801552008     (more than a year ago)

U can say THAT again!!!!

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