Ipossible Quiz Book Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 22, 2009 48673 Plays Puzzle 7.18 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Incorrect answers don't take away lifes! Level skip Unlocked and bomb replaced with a level skip!

Game Information
This is only chapter 1, they are lying showing that there is a 2 or 3 it doesn't exist! And also some answers must be keyboard, so the hack isn't corrupt if the buttons don't work!

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FlowerCatta's avatar
FlowerCatta      (more than a year ago)

Impossible was being misspelled

abculas's avatar
abculas      (more than a year ago)

you mispelled *impossible*

abculas's avatar
abculas      (more than a year ago)

lol a grade

abculas's avatar
abculas      (more than a year ago)


Callula's avatar
Callula      (more than a year ago)

Thing I like in this game is that with wrong answers, I can continue to play the game. I can skip level to go the the next one. It is unlike The World Easyest Game I played on Freegames66. When I answer wrong, I have to come back the beginning.

TootieFruity's avatar
TootieFruity      (more than a year ago)

hey guys..
whatever you do..
on question 26..

SpaceHacker123's avatar
SpaceHacker123      (more than a year ago)

It's impossible to get A Grade because of Question 5

Uncreativename's avatar
Uncreativename     (more than a year ago)

It is not actually impossible. To the left (kind of) of the right skip arrow (the one that's chained up), you can click there without skipping the question.

abculas's avatar
abculas     (more than a year ago)


Iseral's avatar
Iseral      (more than a year ago)

You spelled impossible quiz wrong. xD

TehPunkake's avatar
TehPunkake      (more than a year ago)

And what the heck is with 35?

TehPunkake's avatar
TehPunkake      (more than a year ago)

How the heck do you do 30?

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