Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Money - 2 Powerups - 3 Unlock players - 4 Unlock shirts and pants - 5 Unlock course - 6 Unlock Powerups
Game Information
Its golf like youve never played it before. Sure, get the ball in the hole, but this is a race hit the ball, then run to where it lands.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [7] Money - [8] Toggle Fuel - [9] Increase Le...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Lives - [2] Toggle Missiles Timer
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Lives - [2] Tractor
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health
Hacked By: leverage419
This game won't load for me, wtf
I got hole in one twice in a row
whooo, hooo ! cool thx you SelectLOL
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