Castle Archer Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jul 05, 2008 14689 Plays Defence 2.18 MB

Hacked By: demons936    

Hack Information:
Money Hack

Game Information
Defend the castle with your bow and variety of arrows from bandits or knights.

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28259 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Win level

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crazy sajko's avatar
crazy sajko      (more than a year ago)

tutorial guy:some idiot put house outside the fortress!
me:dude thats my house...

unstopableSinbad's avatar
unstopableSinbad      (more than a year ago)


-_-ASIF-_-'s avatar
-_-ASIF-_-      (more than a year ago)

how can i go to the shop ??

discokossan's avatar
discokossan     (more than a year ago)

after evry round

mayorlouis525's avatar
mayorlouis525      (more than a year ago)


laur10's avatar
laur10      (more than a year ago)


Caurts's avatar
Caurts      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if Dave Betty is BEST

JamesC25's avatar
JamesC25     (more than a year ago)

it's petty not betty

hockeybd436's avatar
hockeybd436      (more than a year ago)


gml24701's avatar
gml24701      (more than a year ago)

yes there is you freaking ****

crunchymunchyman's avatar
crunchymunchyman      (more than a year ago)

how is there a money hack if there isn't any money in it?

faletogo's avatar
faletogo      (more than a year ago)

f u c k this b i t c h y game

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