Storm Boat:Vietnam Mayhem Hacked

lightbutton Play Storm Boat:Vietnam Mayhem Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Dec 21, 2012 27534 Plays Shooting 898 B

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Health - 2 Win Level

Requested By: dude343

Game Information
Instructions & Controls: Use the WASD keys to move and the mouse to aim/shoot.

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Panzerblitzen's avatar
Panzerblitzen      (more than a year ago)

lol i dont think people calling this racist know what racism is

wwung90's avatar
wwung90      (more than a year ago)


mohamed1974's avatar
mohamed1974      (more than a year ago)


jennalynn6's avatar
jennalynn6      (more than a year ago)

Like the game but what's with the horrible music.
You need to hack out this "noise" so that you can hear the action sounds

Kevin9217's avatar
Kevin9217      (more than a year ago)

if you want to know more learn about the fall of Saigon in Vietnam we fled away from the communists

Kevin9217's avatar
Kevin9217      (more than a year ago)

People thinks its racist because it has to do with Vietnamese people and the war i'm also Vietnamese but i don't accept communism in Vietnam so thats how the started COMMUNISM They KEEP FRIKIN KILLING PEOPLE

MatthewBryan117's avatar
MatthewBryan117      (more than a year ago)

the game is about the Vietnam war its not racist

cantfindme's avatar
cantfindme      (more than a year ago)

this game sucks the cheats dont work.

XxTrollPicklexX's avatar
XxTrollPicklexX      (more than a year ago)

the game is not racist because it says vietnam mayhem doesnt mean its racist its a game that took place in the vietnam war

DoogleMaster's avatar
DoogleMaster      (more than a year ago)

Sucky game there is a thousand more just like this and there not racist i dont get it

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