Wake Up the Box 5 Hacked

lightbutton Play Wake Up the Box 5 Unhacked

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Jan 10, 2013 19889 Plays Puzzle 45.95 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press W Win level

Game Information
Those sleepy boxes are back and need to be woken up! Draw shapes on the play-field and let gravity take its course to knock the boxes awake.

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CrazyNinja27's avatar
CrazyNinja27      (more than a year ago)

For all those people who think selectLOL is the best one he isnt A guy Named DPETTY Was his mentor He died recently He was the best hacker on this site SelectLOL picked up where he left after DPETTY Died So R.I.P. DPETTY I shall always remember this

TheMobsterPanda's avatar
TheMobsterPanda      (more than a year ago)

For all those people who think selectLOL is the best one he isnt A guy Named DPETTY Was his mentor He died recently He was the best hacker on this site SelectLOL picked up where he left after DPETTY Died So R.I.P. DPETTY I shall always remember this

vis20004's avatar
vis20004      (more than a year ago)

badst ever

verader009's avatar
verader009      (more than a year ago)


leon12010's avatar
leon12010      (more than a year ago)

selectlol you are best hacker

Matthew3006's avatar
Matthew3006      (more than a year ago)

Thank you SelectLOL for hacking the game and thanks to the maker for makeing it

devilstyle's avatar
devilstyle      (more than a year ago)

yolasite(.)gamearcade(.)prehaacks(.)pockieninja(.) eam azuki(.)playback(.) 100 hits try this yu try now the cheat you get password of selectLol :D

devilstyle's avatar
devilstyle      (more than a year ago)

epicfail my mission grrrr ____ ___ raaa

carlo2000's avatar
carlo2000      (more than a year ago)

addicting game... my mom ground me hehe to not to play computer for a week :'(

poppop2732's avatar
poppop2732     (more than a year ago)

Just out of curiosity, what did you do?

SpySeaOne's avatar
SpySeaOne      (more than a year ago)

Lots of fun

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