Hacked By: Proditor
Hack Information:
Lives and money hack,free towers,tower statistics increased,damage increased...
Note: If it won't load by itself,Right click -> Play
Game Information
Hacked by request!<br />
Use the mouse to place the towers against the enemies.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Toggle Torpedos
Hacked By: leverage419
buy a bunch of gray towers and sell them for a profit if your money gets low. )
btw don't upgrade them, just buy them then sell them. :)
my mony went down yo 100 lol
The green tower is awesome :]
level 36 speedy ufos
level 20 sell all blue towers
whats the use of a money hack if everything is free
the upgrades
enemies in level 51 onwards will be:
see rules on a.r.c.a.d.e.t.r.a.i.n.e.r..c.o.m
you can't hack games from ninja kiwi. It's sucks.
Yea when i spent all of my money every enemy died one shot!!!!!
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