Cobra Squad 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Cobra Squad 2 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Feb 15, 2013 17647 Plays Strategy 1.04 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle unit health - 2 Toggle base health - 3 Money

Game Information
Cobra Squad base is under attack! Your mission is to protect it from enemy attack, this time you will be provided by new weapons: shotgun, gatling and tesla, beat all opponents and show the cobra squad power!

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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XxxVanedToxicxxX's avatar
XxxVanedToxicxxX      (more than a year ago)


lordawesomeohyea's avatar
lordawesomeohyea      (more than a year ago)

Does anyone remember martinristov and Dpetty?

gabes17's avatar
gabes17      (more than a year ago)

buen juego

toddlercuddler's avatar
toddlercuddler      (more than a year ago)

Hack was quick!

gmxhunter's avatar
gmxhunter      (more than a year ago)

selectLol is awsome he is the best hacker SO FAR!!! ive seen but i believe thers is someone who will take over his throne i just think but until then keep up the good work selectLol we will be here cheering for u and playing your games!!!

ArbitraryCoder5's avatar
ArbitraryCoder5     (more than a year ago)

SelectLOL isn't the best. He's just hacked the most, the best games were hacked by martinristov, proditer, and DPETTY.

samthepup4's avatar
samthepup4      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if like my pic

Kev9001's avatar
Kev9001      (more than a year ago)

Great game! And good hacks too!

HardCoreBali's avatar
HardCoreBali      (more than a year ago)

lets select lol

thundacat305's avatar
thundacat305      (more than a year ago)

Hack 5/5
Game 5/5
Good game, ty who requested it and ty SelectLOL

DarthJames3's avatar
DarthJames3      (more than a year ago)

selectLOL is awesome he is the best hacker in the universe!

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