The Sniper 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Dec 25, 2009 43302 Plays Shooting 5.37 MB

Hacked By: Proditor    

Hack Information:
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Game Information
A hidden object type sniper game in which you must search areas and kill all targets.

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teensboy217's avatar
teensboy217      (more than a year ago)

i know where the sniper on the bridge is he is on the far far right next to a tree on top of a muddy hill

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

mot bad but no matter how hard I search I can't find

matarindoxx's avatar
matarindoxx      (more than a year ago)

jogo bom msm

xXTROLLERXx's avatar
xXTROLLERXx      (more than a year ago)

where is the sniper on the bridge i cant find him

MurderByBox's avatar
MurderByBox     (more than a year ago)

go as far to the right as you can and aim at the top of the hill :)

MatiasHacker's avatar
MatiasHacker      (more than a year ago)

pulgares arriba quien llego a la parte de matar generales pulgares abajo quien sea tan debilucho para no llegar a esa parte

TCdaly's avatar
TCdaly      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if the l3vel 9 is hard but beatable thumbs down if hard and unbeatable

GmDoubleR's avatar
GmDoubleR      (more than a year ago)

Can you hack crossfire

MaxthePro's avatar
MaxthePro     (more than a year ago)

no its a 3d game 3d games cant be hacked

darklord327's avatar
darklord327      (more than a year ago)

lol you could have put win game hack instead of clip...

darklord327's avatar
darklord327      (more than a year ago)

why snipe the enemies than simply bomb their position?

gamotin01's avatar
gamotin01      (more than a year ago)

ok heres a great tip for you:
Snipers are located in small suspicous looking positions.
Hope this helps

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