Ninja Shoot Hacked


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Dec 27, 2009 7156 Plays Shooting 1014.55 KB

Hacked By: Carpet    

Hack Information:
More Health added

Game Information
This is an amazing shooting game, you are playing the monk who is under attack by the ninjas, you need to protect yourself by throwing small balls on them.

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aiaoaiao's avatar
aiaoaiao      (more than a year ago)

i can't relaod

Metrodic's avatar
Metrodic      (more than a year ago)

LOL this monk sucks. He could use some hair too. :)

_ShadowAssassin_'s avatar
_ShadowAssassin_      (more than a year ago)

man this guy seriously needs an M16 A4

Nagashi Kurosaki's avatar
Nagashi Kurosaki      (more than a year ago)

but this effing sucks the living hell out of the earth if a man saw Rnagiku from Bleach had game with her this game could suck all the semi-skimmed milk away thats how much it sucks

Nagashi Kurosaki's avatar
Nagashi Kurosaki      (more than a year ago)

i couldn't hit the girl i just couldn't rise my eyes

niceguy95's avatar
niceguy95      (more than a year ago)

level 107 :S

i cant more :S

dr mine97's avatar
dr mine97      (more than a year ago)

why thumbs down it does suck

zachopicc's avatar
zachopicc      (more than a year ago)


prehackerman9's avatar
prehackerman9      (more than a year ago)

wtf wtf wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SaroCool's avatar
SaroCool      (more than a year ago)

this game is for B***** Assh****

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